snappy tots: Wacky Christmas Hat Challenge

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wacky Christmas Hat Challenge

One of my favorite things is our monthly contests. I love how creative everyone is. Because this is such a busy time of year we wont be having another contest until after the first of the year. Since I announced that in October I have received a TON of requests to do a contest. Well, after lots of thought I have decided to have one...kinda.
A couple of years ago my husband made us all start wearing "ugly" Christmas sweaters on Christmas Eve. That "ugly" word bugs me because most of the sweaters are super cute and some look like ones we used to wear each holiday season working at my mom's gift store. So we call them our "wacky" or "crazy" sweaters. As I started thinking about this years sweaters I thought, "hey, what about adding a hat too?"...and I am kind of like those "Give a Mouse a Cookie" books. If I'm going to make a hat, then it will have to be wacky too...and if it's going to be wacky I will want to share it with my snappy peeps...and if I share it with my snappy peeps they will want to make one too!...and so it was born...

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